Feb 11, 2020
In episode 51 of the Fit Strong Women Over 50 podcast, Chris and Jill continue to explore the different ways that women over 50 find to be fit and strong. In this episode, they talk with Gyata Stormon, tennis coach, author, and yoga instructor.
The author of On the Ball: Doubles Tennis Tactics for Recreational Players, Gyata gives advice on how to begin playing as adults and WHY we should consider starting to play. She sees tennis not only as a way to stay fit but to have social connections and mental exercise.
The discussion includes:
How to find Gyata Stormon and her book, On the Ball.
website: www.ontheballbook.com
Email ontheballbook@gmail.com
bread recipe that Chris is going to try
(Note that Jill is hoping to be invited over for a cup of tea and a
slice of this bread.)