Jul 10, 2018
What is Healthy Eating? In today's Becoming Elli Podcast for fit strong women over 50 Jill and Chris talk with nutrition expert Becca DeVenzio.
Becca is extremely passionate about helping people to reach the goals they set for themselves and believes that living a healthy lifestyle can really change a person’s life.
Her love of fitness and nutrition started at a young age when she began dancing in elementary school. Throughout high school her interest for health continued to grow, so when she started college at Kent State University, Nutrition seemed like a perfect match.
Becca received a bachelors degree in Nutrition with a minor in Health Communication, and has recently completed her Masters degree in Nutrition.
In today's podcast we discuss:
* How she defines a healthy diet
* Well rounded diet of balanced food groups
* How she defines mindful eating: not watching TV,
watch what you're eating, paying attention how much you're
eating and listening to body cues
* Why she is not a huge fan of the BMI calculator
* What is the right mix of protein, fats and carbohydrate
* Ingredients that people eat when they eat Mediterranean style
* The common issue so many of her client's have
* How she deals with the small size of a serving of cooked
* What about artificial sweeteners?
* Foods that may help combat dementia and promote brain health
* How words used on packaging can cause confusion about healthy
* Advertising claims that send up red flags
* Why reduced fat or reduced sugar causes other concerns
* What to look at when you read the label and what to look for
* What to carry for fuel on a long bike ride
* Thoughts on coconut oil, snacking and bacon
She can be reached directly at beccadevenzio@gmail.com or by emailing us at Jill@becomingelli.com or Chris@becomingelli.com and we will pass your questions on to her.